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Search results for kappa,2441 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,2441
Translated headword: Krisamis, Crisamis
Vetting Status: high
Translation: of
Kos. This man was rich in livestock. The story goes that an eel seized the finest of his flock, and Krisamis killed it; he had a dream, in which he was told to bury it, but he paid no attention and perished with all his family.
Greek Original:*kri/samis, *kw=|os. ou(=tos h)=n poluqre/mmatos. tou/tw| fasi\n e)/gxelun to\ [ga\r] ka/lliston tw=n proba/twn a(rpa/zein, kai\ to\n *kri/samin a)nelei=n au)th/n: fainome/nhn de\ au)tw=| o)/nar, keleu=sai kataqa/yai au)th/n: to\n de\ mh\ fronti/santa paggenh= a)pole/sqai.
Also in
Hesychius kappa4146;
Lexicon kappa1100 Theodoridis (spelling the name Kriss-); and
Zenobius 4.64 (Kiss-).
For eels cf.
epsilon 174 (another proverb),
epsilon 175. If the present story is to be taken seriously, the creature in question must have been a moray or conger eel, making its attack on the seashore.
Keywords: biography; daily life; dreams; economics; geography; proverbs; religion; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 2 June 2008@05:03:16.
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