*krhtiko/s: r(uqmo/s e)stin ou(/tw kalou/menos. *)aristofa/nhs: u(panakinei=n *krhtikw=s tw\ po/de.
[1] There is a metrical unit known as the cretic, consisting of a long syllable, two shorts, and a long (see web address 1). This may or may not be related to the "Cretan rhythm" to which
Aristophanes refers (see next note).
[2] Adverbial form of the headword:
Ecclesiazusae 1165 (see web address 2), with scholion. C.G. Cobet emended the infinitive to
u(papokinei=n "to move away", followed by a full stop. This makes "to move away to dinner" separate from what follows, "So [omitted by Suda here] you too move your feet Cretan-style". This punctuation is now orthodox, whatever the verb.
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