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Adler number: kappa,240
Translated headword: Kallisthenes, Callisthenes
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Son of Diotimos, though some [say] of Kallisthenes; of Olynthos;[1]; pupil and nephew of
Aristotle, who arranged for him to be in the entourage of Alexander [the Great] of Macedon.[2] Alexander put [him] in an iron cage and killed him at the same time as Nearchos the tragedian,[3] because he was one of those advising Alexander not to seek to be called master by [the] Athenians. But some say that he was killed, at the same time as Nearchos, for plotting against Alexander.[4] [He was] naturally impulsive, and [was said] to be motivated by great passion.
And a story is told that Kallisthenes ruined his life because of an eruption and pullulation of fleas. Witness this iambic line: "and flea-ridden, like the former Kallisthenes".[5] [He was] speaking of medical expertise, [about] how badly he was neglected.
Greek Original:*kallisqe/nhs, *dhmoti/mou, oi( de\ *kallisqe/nous: *)olu/nqios, maqhth\s *)aristote/lous kai\ a)neyiadou=s: o(\n e)/dwken e(/pesqai *)aleca/ndrw| tw=| *makedo/ni. o( d' e)n galea/gra| sidhra=| balw\n a)nei=len a(/ma *nea/rxw| tw=| tragikw=|, dio/ti sunebou/leue mh\ e)pizhtei=n u(po\ *)aqhnai/wn kalei=sqai despo/ths. tine\s de\ au)to\n w(s e)pibouleu/onta *)aleca/ndrw| a)nh|rh=sqai/ fasin a(/ma *nea/rxw|. eu)fuh\s pro\s to\ au)tosxedia/zein kai\ r(u/mh| pollh=| fe/resqai. kai\ fe/retai lo/gos, w(s o( *kallisqe/nhs u(po\ fqeirw=n u(perblu/sews kai\ e)kbra/sews to\n bi/on katastre/fei. kai\ marturei= o( i)/ambos ou(=tos: kai\ fqeiriw=san, w(s o( pri\n *kallisqe/nhs. peri\ th=s i)atrikh=s te/xnhs le/gwn, w(s h)me/lhto pa/nu.
Died 327 BCE. See generally OCD(4) s.v Callisthenes; FGrH 124. For the present entry cf.
Diogenes Laertius 5.4-5.
[1] In Chalkidike (N Greece).
[2] Already a historian of note (author of e.g. a ten-volume
Greek History covering the years 386-356), he now became, in effect, the official Alexander-historian.
[3] The name, here (twice) Nearchos, is
Neophron in
nu 218.
[4] The modern scholarly consensus is that "he alienated Alexander by his opposition to
proskynesis, was falsely implicated in the Pages Conspiracy, and summarily executed" (A.B. Bosworth in OCD).
Comica adespota fr. 280 Kock, now 922 K.-A.
A.B. Bosworth, A Commentary on Arrian's History of Alexander, ii (Oxford 1995) 72-74
Keywords: biography; chronology; comedy; ethics; geography; historiography; history; medicine; meter and music; philosophy; poetry; tragedy; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 4 December 2001@05:52:01.
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