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Search results for kappa,2376 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,2376
Translated headword: Creophylus, Kreophylos
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Son of Astycles; of
Chios or
Samos;[1] epic poet. Some record that he was
Homer's son-in-law, his daughter's husband; others say he was only a friend of
Homer, and that in return for his hospitality to
Homer he received from him the poem
The Capture of Oechalia.[2]
Greek Original:*krew/fulos, *)astukle/ous, *xi=os h)\ *sa/mios, e)popoio/s. tine\s de\ au)to\n i(sto/rhsan *(omh/rou gambro\n e)pi\ qugatri/. oi( de\ fi/lon mo/non gegone/nai au)to\n *(omh/rou le/gousi kai\ u(podeca/menon *(/omhron labei=n par' au)tou= to\ poi/hma th\n th=s *oi)xali/as a(/lwsin.
See generally RE Kreophylos(1).
[1] The latter has the stronger backing.
[2] Sc. by Heracles. For an ancient summary of this dispute see
Strabo 14.1.18.
Keywords: biography; epic; ethics; geography; mythology; women
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 8 May 2002@21:40:05.
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