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Headword: *kra/ths
Adler number: kappa,2341
Translated headword: Krates, Crates
Vetting Status: high
Son of Askondas, a Theban, a Cynic philosopher, a student of Diogenes and Bryson the Achaean. He liquidated his property and gave the money to a money-changer, telling him that if his sons were philosophers he should give it to the people, but if not, to the sons themselves.[1] He married Hipparchia of Maroneia and called their marriage "dog-coupling" (cynogamy).[2] He had a son by her, Pasikles. He flourished in the 113th Olympiad.[3] He was called "Door-opener" because he shamelessly entered anyone's house he wanted.[4]
This man, having abandoned his property [to be] sheep-pasturage, took to the altar and said, "Krates manumits Krates the Theban!"[5] He wrote philosophical works.
Krates said: "hunger stops passion; if not, time [does]; but if not even that can -- a halter."[6]
This man threw his property into the sea, as Philostratus the Lemnian says in his Life of Apollonius of Tyana.[7]
See also under 'Anaxagoras'.[8]
Greek Original:
*kra/ths, *)askw/ndou, *qhbai=os, filo/sofos *kuniko/s, maqhth\s *dioge/nous kai\ *bru/swnos tou= *)axaiou=: o(\s e)carguri/sas th\n ou)si/an de/dwke ta\ a)rgu/ria trapezi/th| ei)pw/n, ei) oi( pai=des au)tw=| filosofh/sousi, tw=| dh/mw| dou=nai, ei) de\ mh/, toi=s paisi\n au)toi=s. gh/mas de\ *(ipparxi/an th\n *marwnei=tin kunogami/an to\n ga/mon e)ka/lese. pai=da de\ e)/sxen e)c au)th=s *pasikle/a. h)=n de\ e)pi\ th=s rig# *)olumpia/dos. e)peklh/qh de\ *qurepanoi/kths dia\ to\ a)dew=s e)peisie/nai ei)s panto/s, ou(=per h)bou/leto, oi)=kon. ou(=tos katalipw\n th\n ou)si/an mhlo/boton, a)rqei\s e)pi\ tou= bwmou= ei)=pen: e)leuqeroi= *kra/thta *qhbai=on *kra/ths. e)/graye filo/sofa. o(/ti *kra/ths ei)=pen: e)/rwta pau/ei limo/s: ei) de\ mh/, xro/nos: a)\n de\ mhde\ tou/tw| du/nasai, bro/xos. ou(=tos katepo/ntwse th\n ou)si/an, w(s le/gei *filo/stratos o( *lh/mnios e)n tw=| bi/w| *)apollwni/ou tou= *tuane/ws. kai\ zh/tei e)n tw=| *)anacago/ras.
c.368/5 - 288/5 BCE. See generally OCD(4) s.v. Crates(2) and Cynics. The bulk of the present entry derives from Diogenes Laertius 6.85-88, with extra material from Philostratus and elsewhere.
[1] See D.L. 6.88 (citing Demetrius of Magnesia). The point was not to punish the sons but to recognize that, if philosophers, they would have no need of money.
[2] That is, the marriage of one cynic to another. For Hipparchia see iota 517.
[3] 328-325. The Suda actually says that Krates was "born" then, but for "flourished", h)/kmaze, see D.L. 6.87.
[4] cf. theta 606.
[5] cf. beta 492 (with the note there) and theta 19.
[6] For these two lines of iambic verse cf. D.L. 6.86.
[7] 1.13.
[8] alpha 1981.
Luis Navia. Classical Cynicism: A Critical Study. Greenwood Press, 1996 [pp.119-143]
L. Paquet. Les Cyniques grecs: Fragments et temoignages. Ottawa, 1988 [pp.103ff.]
Keywords: agriculture; biography; chronology; economics; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; imagery; meter and music; philosophy; poetry; religion; women; zoology
Translated by: Alex Gottesman on 2 April 2000@19:39:05.
Vetted by:
Helma Dik on 2 April 2000@20:01:37.
Helma Dik (Minor changes in text. Perhaps add Pauly, OCD reffs in bibliography; Is dad called Ascondos or -das (cf Epaminondas)?) on 2 April 2000@20:10:04.
Helma Dik on 4 April 2000@11:58:54.
David Whitehead (modified translation; augmented notes; added keywords; cosmetics) on 25 May 2001@11:13:07.
David Whitehead (added note) on 13 December 2001@03:23:10.
David Whitehead (added note) on 21 November 2002@06:51:23.
David Whitehead (tweaked tr; more keywords; cosmetics) on 8 April 2008@03:25:57.
David Whitehead (more x-refs; more keywords) on 17 March 2013@06:23:22.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 4 August 2014@07:32:33.


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