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Headword: *kwrukai=os
Adler number: kappa,2299
Translated headword: Korykaian, man from Korykos
Vetting Status: high
The comics introduce a certain god [from Korykos] as listening, from a proverb. For Korykos [is] a cape in Pamphylia, next to which [is] the city of Attaleia. The townspeople there wanted to suffer no ill-treatment from the robbers moored by the cape; so they would change places and listen for those who were moored in other harbours, and would announce to the robbers who they were and where they were sailing to. Hence the proverb "so the man from Korykos was listening to him". But the comics introduce the god as a Korykaian. Menander in Dagger [sc. does so].[1] Dioxippus in Treasure [writes]: "I hope the man from Korykos does not hear a body". "But didn't I hear him following you inside?"[2] And Ephorus in [Book] 3:[3] "by a cape stretching out into the sea", he says, "the so-called men of Korykos used to live. Some of them mingled together made a township, neighbouring Myonnesos. So they approached the merchants moored there, as if to buy things or as fellow sailors. Then, after finding out what their cargo is and where they were sailing to, they would announce it to the Myonnesians. And [the Myonnesians] would attack [the merchants], with [the men of Korykos] also getting a share in the ransom money."[4]
Greek Original:
*kwrukai=os: qeo/n tina pareisa/gousin oi( kwmikoi\ e)pakrow/menon, a)po\ paroimi/as tino/s. *kw/rukos ga\r th=s *pamfuli/as a)krwth/rion, par' w(=| po/lis *)atta/leia: e)ntau=qa oi( a)po\ th=s po/lews, i(/na mhde\n au)toi\ kakw=s pa/sxwsin a)po\ tw=n e)formou/ntwn th\n a)/kran lh|stw=n, u(pallatto/menoi pro\s tou\s e)n a)/llois lime/sin o(rmw=ntas kathkrow=nto, kai\ toi=s lh|stai=s a)ph/ggellon kai\ ti/nes ei)si\ kai\ poi= ple/ousin. o(/qen kai\ h( paroimi/a: tou= d' a)=ra o( *kwrukai=os h)kroa/zeto. oi( de\ kwmikoi\ *kwrukai=on to\n qeo\n ei)sa/gousi. *me/nandros *)egxeiridi/w|. *diw/cippos *qhsaurw=|: mh\ katakou/seien de/mas o( *kwrukai=os. a)lla\ mh\n katakh/koa katakolouqw=n e)/ndoqe/n sou. o( de\ *)/eforos e)n g#, u(p' a)/kra|, fhsi/n, w)/|koun oi( kalou/menoi *kwrukai=oi, a)nateinou/sh| ei)s pe/lagos, su/mmiktoi/ tines kataskeuasa/menoi polisma/tion, gei/tones *muonnh/sw|. toi=s ou)=n o(rmw=sin e)mpo/rois prosh/|esan, w(s e)wnou/menoi [h)\] su/mplooi: ei)=ta maqo/ntes ti/ te komi/zousi kai\ poi= ple/ousi toi=s *muonnhsi/ois a)ph/ggellon. ka)kei=noi e)peti/qento au)toi=s, e)la/mbanon de\ kai\ au)toi\ me/rh tina\ tw=n lu/trwn.
Same entry in Photius (Lexicon kappa1330 Theodoridis), deriving from Pausanias the Atticist (kappa60), and similarly elsewhere, including Hesychius kappa4882 (more succinct); see Theodoridis' references, and further below.
For Korykos see Barrington Atlas map 65 grid D5.
[1] Menander fr. 150 Kock = 2 Meineke = 137 Körte-Thierfelder. There is no reason to think the comic poets' Korykaios was a deity, as opposed merely to a stereotype.
[2] Dioxippus fr. 2 Kock and K.-A. ( = Thesaurus fr. 1 Meineke). de/mas "body" is corrupted from de/ mou "but [he hears] me".
[3] Ephorus FGrH 70 F27.
[4] As LSJ s.v. *kw/rukos explains it, "the inhabitants were infamous for spying out the destination and value of ships' cargoes and then piratically seizing them"; "hence *kwrukai=os proverbial of spies and eavesdroppers", and *kwrukai=os h)kroa/sato (the phrase Pausanias was glossing) "'a little bird told me'". The version of the narrative where the men of Korykos are the pirates and not just the informants is in Strabo 14.1, Stephanus of Byzantium (Ethnica p.4-2 Meineke), and Zenobius 4.75, who also cited the passage from Menander as a proverb. Zenobius' version is cited in tau 813.
Keywords: aetiology; comedy; daily life; definition; economics; ethics; geography; historiography; proverbs; religion; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Nick Nicholas on 28 February 2009@10:04:47.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (another note; more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 1 March 2009@04:30:20.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 15 March 2013@08:54:16.
David Whitehead (typo) on 3 September 2013@09:18:46.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 12 December 2014@23:17:06.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 23 December 2014@07:12:57.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 31 December 2014@04:55:56.
David Whitehead (coding) on 2 May 2016@07:06:42.
Catharine Roth (more keywords) on 18 January 2020@19:16:45.


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