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Search results for kappa,2285 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,2285
Translated headword: Constantine the Great, Constantine I, Constantinus I
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Constantine the great] emperor. Concerning him
Eunapius[1] wrote idle nonsense, and I disregard this in respect for the man.[2][3]
Greek Original:*kwnstanti=nos, o( me/gas basileu/s. peri\ ou(= e)/grayen *eu)na/pios flhna/fous kai\ parh=ka au)ta\ ai)doi= tou= a)ndro/s.
For Constantine see already
kappa 2284.
[1] The following note about
Eunapius is abridged from the introduction to the translation of
Life of Constantine in the on-line edition of
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. I at CCEL (web address 1): "(22)
Eunapius (Anti-Christian) (ab. 347-414) ... was born at
Sardis about 347, and died after 414 a.d. (cf. Müller, Fragm. 87 [Blockley,
Eunapius fr. 72, 1-2]). He was a teacher of rhetoric, and besides this work wrote a continuation of the history of
Dexippus, extending from 270-404 a.d. Fragments of this are preserved, but none relating to Constantine.
Photius (Cod. 77) says that he calumniated the Christians, especially Constantine. ... Much of his history is supposed to be incorporated in
Zosimus, and this gives importance to his name, weight to
Zosimus, and light on the hostile position of
Zosimus towards Constantine."
[2] That is, for Constantine.
[3] Blockley,
Eunapius fr. 9, 1.
Blockley, R.C. The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire: Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus and Malchus. Vol. II. Liverpool: Francis Cairns, 1983.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; Christianity; ethics; historiography; history; politics; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: Abram Ring on 25 April 2006@11:52:28.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (x-ref; cosmetics) on 26 April 2006@03:18:19.
Ross Scaife ✝ (added keywords) on 26 April 2006@08:45:16.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 15 March 2013@07:54:45.
Aaron Baker (For Eunapius, added citation of Blockley's edition (much more recent than Muller's) of fragments of Eunapius's lost history.) on 13 July 2014@19:19:38.
Aaron Baker on 13 July 2014@19:37:46.
Aaron Baker on 13 July 2014@20:59:18.
David Whitehead (retrieved full set of keywords) on 14 July 2014@03:08:22.
Aaron Baker (Tweaked citations to Blockley.) on 14 July 2014@13:45:44.
Aaron Baker (Corrected place of publication for Blockley.) on 26 July 2014@21:28:03.
Aaron Baker (Corrected year of publication for Blockley) on 28 July 2014@22:41:22.
No. of records found: 1
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