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Headword: *kalli/maxos
Adler number: kappa,227
Translated headword: Callimachus, Kallimachos, Kallimakhos
Vetting Status: high
Son of Battus and Mesatma, of Cyrene. Grammarian. A pupil of Hermocrates of Iasus, a grammarian.[1] He married the daughter of Euphrates of Syracuse; his sister's son was the younger Callimachus, who wrote on islands in epic verse.[2] He was so diligent that he wrote poems in every metre, and compiled very many works in prose; in fact, he wrote more than 800 books. He lived in the time of Ptolemy Philadelphus. Before he became connected with the king, he taught grammar in Eleusis, a small village in Alexandria. He survived until Ptolemy, called Euergetes, in the 127th Olympiad, in the second year of which Ptolemy Euergetes' reign commenced.[3] His books are as follows: The Coming of Io; Semele; The Founding of Argos [Myth, Place]; Arcadia; Glaucus; Hopes; satyr plays; tragedies; comedies;[4] lyric poems; Ibus (this is a poem deliberately made obscure and abusive, addressed to one Ibus, who was an enemy of Callimachus: he was in fact Apollonius,[5] who wrote the Argonautica); Museum; Tables of Men Distinguished in Every Branch of Learning, and their Works (in 120 books); Table and Description of Teachers in Chronological Order from the Beginning; Table of Democrates' Rare Words and Compositions;[6] Names of the Months by Nation and City; Foundations of Islands and Cities, and their Changes of Name; On the Rivers in Europe; On Astonishing and Paradoxical Things in the Peloponnese and Italy; On the Changes in the Names of Fish; On Winds; On Birds; On Rivers in the Inhabited World; Collection of Marvels in the Whole World, Organised by Place.
Greek Original:
*kalli/maxos, ui(o\s *ba/ttou kai\ *mesa/tmas, *kurhnai=os, grammatiko/s, maqhth\s *(ermokra/tous tou= *)iase/ws, grammatikou=: gameth\n e)sxhkw\s th\n *eu)fra/tou tou= *surakousi/ou qugate/ra. a)delfh=s de\ au)tou= pai=s h)=n o( ne/os *kalli/maxos, o( gra/yas peri\ nh/swn di' e)pw=n. ou(/tw de\ ge/gonen e)pimele/statos, w(s gra/yai me\n poih/mata ei)s pa=n me/tron, sunta/cai de\ kai\ kataloga/dhn plei=sta. kai/ e)stin au)tw=| ta\ gegramme/na bibli/a u(pe\r ta\ o)ktakosi/a: e)pi\ de\ tw=n xro/nwn h)=n *ptolemai/ou tou= *filade/lfou. pri\n de\ sustaqh=| tw=| basilei=, gra/mmata e)di/dasken e)n *)eleusi=ni, kwmudri/w| th=s *)alecandrei/as. kai\ pare/teine me/xri tou= *eu)erge/tou klhqe/ntos *ptolemai/ou, o)lumpia/dos de\ rkz#, h(=s kata\ to\ deu/teron e)/tos o( *eu)erge/ths *ptolemai=os h)/rcato th=s basilei/as. tw=n de\ au)tou= bibli/wn e)sti\ kai\ tau=ta: *)iou=s a)/ficis, *seme/lh, *)/argous oi)kismo/s, *)arkadi/a, *glau=kos, *)elpi/des, saturika\ dra/mata, tragw|di/ai, kwmw|di/ai, me/lh, *)/ibos [e)/sti de\ poi/hma e)pitethdeume/non ei)s a)sa/feian kai\ loidori/an, ei)/s tina *)/ibon, geno/menon e)xqro\n tou= *kallima/xou: h)=n de\ ou(=tos *)apollw/nios, o( gra/yas ta\ *)argonautika/]: *mousei=on, *pi/nakes tw=n e)n pa/sh| paidei/a| dialamya/ntwn, kai\ w(=n sune/grayan, e)n bibli/ois k# kai\ r#, *pi/nac kai\ a)nagrafh\ tw=n kata\ xro/nous kai\ a)p' a)rxh=s genome/nwn didaska/lwn, *pi/nac tw=n *dhmokra/tous glwssw=n kai\ suntagma/twn, *mhnw=n proshgori/ai kata\ e)/qnos kai\ po/leis, *kti/seis nh/swn kai\ po/lewn kai\ metonomasi/ai, *peri\ tw=n e)n *eu)rw/ph| potamw=n, *peri\ tw=n e)n *peloponnh/sw| kai\ *)itali/a| qaumasi/wn kai\ parado/cwn, *peri\ metonomasi/as i)xqu/wn, *peri\ a)ne/mwn, *peri\ o)rne/wn, *peri\ tw=n e)n th=| oi)koume/nh| potamw=n, *qauma/twn tw=n ei)s a(/pasan th\n gh=n kata\ to/pous o)/ntwn sunagwgh/.
C3 BC. See generally RE Suppl. 5 and 13, Kallimachos(6); OCD4 Callimachus(3).
[1] RE Hermokrates(11).
[2] kappa 228: Callimachus.
[3] 271 BC. (Incorrect.)
[4] See Kassel-Austin, PCG IV p.55 (expressing doubt).
[5] alpha 3419: Apollonius.
[6] West (below) argues for changing glwssw=n "rare words" to gnwmw=n "sayings". Democritus was noted for his sayings, especially under the name *dhmokra/tous 'of Democrates'. Given that Callimachus' pi/nakes were "registers of literary productions" (Pfeiffer, p. 127f.), this would seem to make sense, since a pi/nac glwssw=n would be an odd way to refer to a glossary. But O'Brien has since argued for the traditional reading, calling attention to strange words used by Democritus, many preserved in ancient testimonia.
P.M. Fraser, Ptolemaic Alexandria (Oxford 1972) 452-6, 716-93
D. O'Brien, 'Démocrite d'Abdère', in R. Goulet, ed., Dictionnaire des Philosophes Antiques (Paris 1994), v. 2, 649-715
R. Pfeiffer, A History of Classical Scholarship (Oxford 1968) 123-40
M.L. West, 'The sayings of Democritus', Classical Review n.s. 19 (1969) 142
Keywords: biography; chronology; comedy; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; geography; mythology; poetry; tragedy; women; zoology
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 29 January 2002@16:57:18.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 13 September 2002@07:22:07.
Monte Johnson (augmented notes and bibliography) on 29 May 2003@13:12:09.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 30 May 2003@03:14:38.
Catharine Roth (betacode cosmeticule) on 3 April 2008@11:02:30.
David Whitehead (another x-ref; cosmetics) on 24 January 2013@09:27:02.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 2 August 2014@07:01:19.
David Whitehead (another note) on 23 December 2014@03:26:01.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 11 January 2015@23:53:53.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule) on 24 March 2019@18:36:48.


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