A [
kw=mos] is an inebriating pipe[-tune], when wine has been open a long time, promoting luxury and making the symposium an unseemly spectacle, beguiling the diners with cymbals and [other] instruments.[1]
And elsewhere: "[...] who spent his leisure in love-affairs and revelries."[2]
"To the revelry comes a drunken man not rustic in voice."
Philostratus [sc. writes this].[3]
*kw=mo/s e)sti mequstiko\s au)lo/s, e)gxroni/zontos oi)/nou e)reqi/zwn th\n h(dupa/qeian kai\ qe/atron a)/sxhmon poiw=n to\ sumpo/sion, kumba/lois tisi\ kai\ o)rga/nois kataqe/lgwn tou\s daitumo/nas. kai\ au)=qis: o(\s ei)s e)/rwtas e)sxo/laze kai\ kw/mous. e)pi\ kw=mon e)/rxetai mequ/wn a)/nqrwpos ou)k a)groi/kws th=s fwnh=s e)/xwn. *filo/stratos.
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