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Headword: *kwlia/s
Adler number: kappa,2240
Translated headword: Kolias, Colias
Vetting Status: high
There is a temple of Aphrodite with this name -- the name deriving from an event. An Athenian youth was captured by Etruscans and kept in chains as their slave, but the daughter of his captor fell in love with him and let him go; so once he had been freed in this way and had come home he established a temple on the headland from where he had been abducted as a thank-offering to his saviour Aphrodite. And he named the spot Kolias after the limbs [kw=la] which had suffered in the chains. But others [say] that when Ion was sacrificing an offering of a ham [kwlh=], a hawk snatched it and settled on that spot [sc. to eat it]. Hence the spot was named Kolias.[1]
Callimachus in Hecale also mentions [it].[2]
Greek Original:
*kwlia/s: nao/s e)sti th=s *)afrodi/ths ou(/tw kalou/menos, a)po\ tou= sumbebhko/tos th\n proshgori/an labw/n. neani/as ga/r tis *)attiko\s a(lou\s u(po\ *turrhnw=n kai\ desmw/ths douleu/wn parauta/, e)rasqei/shs au)tou= th=s qugatro\s tou= e)/xontos kai\ a)polusa/shs, h)=lqen ei)s th\n oi)kei/an ou(/tws e)leuqerwqei\s kai\ eu)xaristh/rion th=| *)afrodi/th| th=s swthri/as e)pi\ th=s a)kth=s, a)f' h(=s h(rpa/gh, nao\n e)kti/sato. *kwlia/da de\ proshgo/reuse to\n to/pon a)po\ tw=n kw/lwn, a(\ e)n toi=s desmoi=s kateponei=to. oi( de/, o(/ti *)/iwnos qu/ontos i(erei=on kwlh=s, i(e/rac e)ch/rpase kai\ e)p' e)kei/nw| tw=| to/pw| e)ka/qisen. o(/qen o( to/pos *kwlia\s e)klh/qh. me/mnhtai kai\ *kalli/maxos e)n *(eka/lh|.
See also kappa 1939, kappa 2239.
[1] From the scholia to Aristophanes, Clouds 52, where Kolias is mentioned.
[2] See under kappa 2239.
Keywords: aetiology; biography; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; gender and sexuality; geography; mythology; poetry; religion; women; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 19 November 2006@09:14:27.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (set status) on 23 November 2006@17:55:20.
David Whitehead (another x-ref) on 24 November 2006@02:54:06.
David Whitehead on 15 March 2013@05:05:23.
David Whitehead on 2 May 2016@06:33:01.


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