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Search results for kappa,2239 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,2239
Translated headword: clays of Kolias
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Kolias [is] a place in Attica, where vessels are moulded. So he is saying: whichever [items] are borne on a wheel (he means the potter's wheel), that is, whichever [clays] are suitable for pottery-making, that of Kolias is better than any, to be doused in miltos.[1]
It is a place situated like a man's limb. And the inhabitants [are called] Kolians.[2]
Greek Original:*kwlia/dos keramh=es: *kwlia/s, to/pos th=s *)attikh=s, e)/nqa skeu/h pla/ttontai. le/gei ou)=n, o(/ti o(/soi e)pi\ troxou\s fe/rontai [troxo\n de\ to\n skeuoplastiko\n le/gei], toute/stin o(/sai pro\s skeuoplasi/an e)pith/deiai pasw=n h( *kwlia/dos krei/sswn, w(/ste kai\ ba/ptesqai u(po\ th=s mi/ltou. e)/sti de\ o( to/pos e)gkei/menos o(/moios a)nqrw/pou kw/lw|. kai\ oi( e)noikou=ntes *kwlioi/.
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; imagery; poetry; trade and manufacture
Translated by: David Whitehead on 19 November 2006@08:57:42.
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