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Search results for kappa,2207 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,2207
Translated headword: blackbird, kopsychos
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A kind of bird. "And you look like a blackbird, closely shaven with a 'boat'."[1] The "boat" [is] a kind of haircut. [Know] that blackbirds, when they lay eggs, prick the eggs. So bird-catchers stick feathers on them, to blunt their beaks with the softness of the feathers; or so that they do not discharge catarrh; or [know] that after slaughtering them [the hunters] stick feathers [in them], so everyone can see [the blackbirds] hanging from them.[2]
Greek Original:*ko/yixos: ei)=dos o)rne/ou. su\ de\ koyi/xw| e)/oikas ska/fion a)potetilme/nw|. ska/fion de\ ei)=dos koura=s. o(/ti oi( ko/yixes w)|otokou=ntes kentou=si ta\ w)|a/. oi( ou)=n o)rniqoqh=rai ptera\ au)toi=s e)mba/llousi pro\s to\ a)mblu=nai ta\ r(a/mfh th=| malako/thti tw=n pterw=n: h)\ i(/na mh\ koruzw=sin: h)\ o(/ti meta\ to\ sfa/cai ptera\ e)mba/llousin w(/ste e)c au)tw=n au)tou\s kremame/nous o(raqh=nai pa=si.
Associated internet addresses:
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Web address 2
Keywords: clothing; comedy; definition; food; imagery; medicine; zoology
Translated by: Nick Nicholas on 29 January 2009@22:39:55.
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