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Search results for kappa,2198 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,2198
Translated headword: may light earth cover him, may the earth covering him be light
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Meaning hanging [sc. in space].[1]
Earth is called "lighter than earth," not being light in a plain sense; and fire [is called] "heavier than fire," not being heavy in a plain sense; but that which rises of its own accord to a higher place is "light." For earth is called "light" because of being relatively portable and easy to lift; and that fire [is called] "heavy" which follows[2] downwards with relative ease. And these things are said by analogy, but not in a proper sense.[3]
Greek Original:*kou/fh gh= tou=ton kalu/ptoi: a)nti\ tou= mete/wros. le/getai de\ gh= gh=s koufote/ra, ou)k ou)=sa a(plw=s kou/fh: kai\ pu=r puro\s baru/teron, ou)k e)/stin a(plw=s baru/: kou=fon de/ e)sti to\ e)c e(autou= fero/menon ei)s to\n a)/nw to/pon. le/getai ga\r kou/fh gh= tw=| eu)bastaktote/ra ei)=nai kai\ r(a=|on a)nabiba/zesqai: kai\ to\ pu=r baru\ to\ r(a=|on ka/tw e(po/menon. kai\ le/gontai tau=ta kaq' o(moio/thta, a)ll' ou) kuri/ws.
The headword phrase is otherwise unattested in this precise form, but for other versions in Attic tragedy and elsewhere see LSJ s.v.
kou=fos, I.4.a; add
Epistle 33.8 of the Emperor Julian. In Modern Greek they say '
as ei/nai elafru/ to xw/ma pou ton skepa/zei', with the same meaning. Manuscripts of the Suda have the subjunctive
kalu/pth| or the indicative
kalu/ptei; the
editio princeps of Chalcocondyles (1499) has the optative
Anaximander reportedly said that the earth was unsupported in space (
mete/wros) and moved around the middle of the cosmos (
On the heaven B 13.295b 10). But if this is what the glossator has in mind, it is not particularly relevant to the headword phrase.
[2] In Alexander (see next note),
spw/menon: "is drawn".
[3] Abridgement of Alexander of
Commentary on Aristotle's Topica 275.8-12 Wallies.
Keywords: daily life; definition; imagery; philosophy; science and technology; tragedy
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 14 February 2009@22:35:02.
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