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Search results for kappa,2171 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,2171
Translated headword: Kotys, Cotys
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A divinity, worshipped among Corinthians, presider over the debauched.
"This is the source of those Kleistheneses and Timarchoses and all those who for the sake of money make their youth accessible and those not motivated by money but by something else, and those motivated by nothing at all but [sc. acting] out of accursed pleasure. All at once the effeminate are all daintily-coiffed."
Greek Original:*ko/tus: dai/mwn, para\ *korinqi/ois timw/menos, e)/foros tw=n ai)sxrw=n. o(/qen oi( *kleisqe/nai kai\ *ti/marxoi kai\ pa/ntes oi( pro\s a)rgu/rion th\n w(/ran diatiqe/menoi kai\ oi( mh\ pro\s a)rgu/rion de/, a)lla\ pro\s a)/llo ti, kai\ oi( mh\ pro\s mhde\n o(tiou=n, a)lla\ dia\ th\n e)ca/giston h(donh/n. kaqa/pac oi( qhludri/ai trixw=n pla/stai pa/ntes ei)si/n.
theta 381 (q.v. for further notes), where a slightly abridged version of the quotation from
Synesius (see n.1 below) appears.
Encomium of Baldness 21.4.
Keywords: biography; clothing; definition; economics; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; religion; rhetoric; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 24 March 2008@06:54:27.
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