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Adler number: kappa,216
Translated headword: Caligula
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Thus did they used to call Gaius, the emperor of the Romans, since from early boyhood he grew up spending most of his time in the military camps and would wear soldiers' shoes. So from the "
caligae"[1] they named him Caligula.[2]
Or Gaius [was called] Caligula on account of his birth in the military camps; so says
Aelian in his work
On Divine Influences.[3]
Greek Original:*kalligo/las: ou(/tws e)kalei=to *ga/i+os, o( basileu\s *(rwmai/wn, e)peidh\ e)k mikra=s h(liki/as ta\ polla\ e)n tw=| stratope/dw| e)tre/feto kai\ toi=s stratiwtikoi=s e)xrh=to u(podh/masin. e)k tw=n kalli/gwn ou)=n *kalligou/lan au)to\n w)no/masan. h)\ *kalligo/las o( *ga/i+os, dia\ to\ e)n stratope/dw| gennhqh=nai: w(/s fhsin *ai)liano\s e)n tw=| *peri\ qei/wn e)nargeiw=n.
Gaius Caesar or Caligula was the third Roman emperor, ruling from 37 to 41 AD. See Garrett Ragan's
DIR article at web address 1 for more (and OCD(4) s.v. Gaius (1)).
For more on Caligula in the Suda see
gamma 11 and
gamma 12. The following entries also mention him:
alpha 3198,
alpha 3420,
delta 1351,
iota 503,
phi 448.
[1] Soldiers' boots or sandals.
[2] Literally "Little boot".
Aelian fr. 24 Domingo-Forasté (24 Hercher).
Deipnosophists 4.148D [4.29 Kaibel], seems to have employed
Aelian here, since he uses the same wording and word order (
dia\ to\ e)n stratope/dw| gennhqh=nai) when discussing Caligula’s birth in the camps.
Eustathius (12th century) appears to adopt the story from
Athenaeus in his commentary on
Iliad (2.810). For Latin sources which
Aelian may have known, see Tacitus
Annales 1.41 (web address 2);
Caligula 8.1 and 9.1 (web address 3);
Seneca the Younger,
Dialogi 2.18.4.
R. Hercher, ed. 1866 (repr. 1971). Claudii Aeliani de natura animalium libri xvii, varia historia, epistolae, fragmenta, vol. 2, Teubner: Lepizig (repr. Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt: Graz)
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3
Keywords: biography; children; clothing; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: Abram Ring on 17 September 2005@12:48:55.
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