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Search results for kappa,2145 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,2145
Translated headword: orderliness
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] good organization.[1]
"Orderliness and temperance are not only [means of] avoiding and removing the opposite vices, [i.e.] disorderliness and intemperance, but active and intentional ways of life. And while the former turns what is worse in us toward what is better, the latter marshals and sets in order those things that are passions of the soul; and [sc. they both] bring to birth in the souls of those who approach [them] virtues which are their own offspring".[2]
Greek Original:*kosmio/ths: eu)taci/a. kosmio/ths kai\ swfrosu/nh ou) mo/non ei)si\n a)pallagai\ kai\ a)faire/seis tw=n a)ntikeime/nwn ponhriw=n, a)kosmi/as kai\ a)kolasi/as, a)lla\ zwai\ e)nergei=s kai\ au)toqelei=s. kai\ h( me\n e)pistre/fei ta\ xei/rw e)n h(mi=n pro\s ta\ krei/ttw, h( de\ o(/sa pa/qh e)sti\ th=s yuxh=s ta/ttousa tau=ta kai\ diakosmou=sa: e)kgo/nous te e(autw=n a)reta\s e)n tai=s tw=n plhsiazo/ntwn yuxai=s a)poti/ktousai.
[1] Same or similar glossing in other lexica.
Life of Isidore fr. 61 Zintzen (22 Asmus, 149C Athanassiadi). See also
tau 151.
Keywords: definition; ethics; imagery; philosophy
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 15 July 2003@10:04:08.
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