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Search results for kappa,214 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,214
Translated headword: Kallias, Callias
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The one given the nickname 'Pit-wealthy';[1] serving as general against Artaxerxes he secured the boundaries of the treaties [made] under Kimon.[2] Launching an invasion in his time, the Lakedaimonians, with Pleistoanax the son of
Pausanias as king, ravaged
Eleusis and the Thriasian Plain. This was still during the fifty-year period [Pentekontaetia] which began after the battle of
Plataiai and ended with the capture of
Samos and the beginning of the Kerkyraian incidents.
Kallias the Syracusan[3] is rightly and appropriately judged worthy of condemnation, since he was coopted by Agathokles and, having sold away history, the prophetess of truth, for the price of great gifts, never stopped praising his paymaster unjustly. Though no small number of things had been done by him in the way of impieties against the gods and illegalities against men, the historian claims that he exceeded the rest by far in piety and philanthropy. On the whole, though, just as Agathokles took away the goods of the citizens and bestowed what did not belong to him upon the historian contrary to justice, so this amazing historian conferred through his writings every possible virtue on his ruler; but it was an easy matter, I think, in the exchange of favors, for the writer in his adulation not to fall short of the bribery from the royal family.
Greek Original:*kalli/as, o( *lakko/ploutos e)piklhqei/s, strathgw=n pro\s *)artace/rchn tou\s e)pi\ *ki/mwnos tw=n spondw=n e)bebai/wsen o(/rous: kaq' o(\n ei)sbalo/ntes *lakedaimo/nioi, *pleistoa/naktos tou= *pausani/ou basileu/ontos, e)dh|w/santo th\n *)eleusi=na kai\ to\ *qria/sion pedi/on, e)/ti th=s penthkontaeti/as ou)/shs, h(/tis h)/rxeto meta\ th\n e)n *plataiai=s ma/xhn, e)/lhge de\ ei)s a(/lwsin *sa/mou kai\ a)rxh\n tw=n *kerkurai+kw=n. o(/ti *kalli/as o( *surakou/sios dikai/ws kai\ proshko/ntws kathgori/as a)ciwqei/h: a)nalhfqei\s ga\r u(po\ *)agaqokle/ous kai\ dw/rwn mega/lwn a)podo/menos th\n profh=tin th=s a)lhqei/as i(stori/an ou) diale/loipen a)di/kws e)gkwmia/zwn to\n misqodo/thn. ou)k o)li/gwn ga\r au)tw=| pepragme/nwn pro\s a)sebei/as qew=n kai\ paranomi/as a)nqrw/pwn, fhsi\n o( suggrafeu\s au)to\n eu)sebei/a| kai\ filanqrwpi/a| polu\ tou\s a)/llous u(perbebhke/nai. kaqo/lou de/, kaqa/per *)agaqoklh=s a)fairou/menos ta\ tw=n politw=n e)dwrei=to tw=| suggrafei= mhde\n prosh/konta para\ to\ di/kaion, ou(/tws o( qaumasto\s i(storiogra/fos e)xari/zeto dia\ th=s grafh=s a(/panta ta\ a)gaqa\ tw=| duna/sth|. r(a/|dion d' h)=n, oi)=mai, pro\s a)/meiyin xa/ritos tw=| grafei= tw=n e)gkwmi/wn mh\ leifqh=nai th=s e)k tou= basilikou= ge/nous dwrodoki/as.
[1] For Kallias "Pit-wealthy" cf.
lambda 58 and generally J.K. Davies,
Athenian Propertied Families 600-300 BC (Oxford 1971) 258-62. The nickname reflected the extent to which his colossal wealth came from the profits of (silver-)mining.
[2] (Adler notes, but does not adopt, the emendation in the Suda
editio princeps of
o(/rous 'boundaries' to
o(/rkous 'oaths' here.) Despite the terminology used here, Kallias is not known to have served as a general. Rather, he was a diplomatic envoy and negotiator on at least three occasions between the mid-460s and the mid 440s BCE.
[3] This second paragraph =
Diodorus Siculus 21.17.4, writing on
Sicily in the early C3 BCE. This Kallias, an historian, is FGrH 564; see also L. Pearson,
The Greek Historians of the West (Atlanta GA 1987) 227-8 and index s.v.
Keywords: biography; chronology; economics; ethics; geography; historiography; history; imagery; military affairs; religion; science and technology; trade and manufacture
Translated by: William Hutton on 15 October 2001@15:56:20.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (added notes) on 16 October 2001@07:21:34.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 30 November 2005@10:12:41.
Tony Natoli (Various changes in para. 2. Replacing 'all good things' by 'every possible virtue'. Virtues including piety and philanthropy are clearly intended in the context. Plato spoke of the agatha of the psyche.) on 16 July 2006@09:02:05.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 17 July 2006@03:02:49.
David Whitehead (augmented n.2) on 6 March 2008@08:10:42.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 24 January 2013@08:35:01.
David Whitehead (expanded n.2) on 2 April 2014@05:31:24.
Catharine Roth (removed duplication) on 22 March 2019@22:18:32.
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