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Search results for kappa,213 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,213
Translated headword: Kallias, Callias
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Athenian, comic poet, son of Lysimachos, who was nicknamed Schoinion [Ropey] because his father was a rope-plaiter. His plays are The Egyptian, Atalanta, The Cyclopes,[1] The Prisoners, The Frogs, The Idlers[2].
See [more] about Kallias under 'Aristeides'.[3]
Greek Original:*kalli/as, *)aqhnai=os, kwmiko/s, ui(o\s *lusima/xou: o(\s e)peklh/qh *sxoini/wn dia\ to\ sxoinoplo/kou ei)=nai patro/s. ou(= dra/mata *ai)gu/ptios, *)atala/nth, *ku/klwpes, *pedh=tai, *ba/traxoi, *sxola/zontes. zh/tei peri\ *kalli/ou e)n tw=| *)aristei/dhs.
C5 BCE; see generally K.J. Dover in OCD(4) under
[1] Quoted at
alpha 3750.
[2] An inscribed list (
IGUR 216.1-6 =
Callias test. 4 Kassel-Austin) of all the productions of a comic poet whose name has been lost, but who can be identified with fair certainty as Kallias, gives us two further titles,
The Satyrs and
The Iron [...]. It also supplies dates or approximate dates for several productions, all in the 440s and 430s.
alpha 3903 (but not the same Kallias: rather, an earlier one who was a relative of Aristeides; see
Life of Aristeides 25). The confusion presumably arose because the fathers of both the poet and Aristeides had the name Lysimachos.
Kassel, Rudolf, and Colin Austin. "Callias." Poetae Comici Graeci iv. Berlin: De Gruyter, 1983. 38-53
Keywords: biography; comedy; mythology; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 13 January 2002@00:52:48.
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