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Headword: *korw/news
Adler number: kappa,2103
Translated headword: shearwater-coloured, crow-coloured, black
Vetting Status: high
[sc. Grammatically] like fia/lews.[1] It is a kind of fig-tree.[2] They also call it raven-coloured: for its fruit looks like a raven in colour.[3]
Greek Original:
*korw/news: w(s fia/lews. e)/sti de\ ei)=dos sukh=s. tau/thn de\ kai\ kora/keion le/gousin: o( ga\r karpo\s au)th=s ko/raki e)/oike kata\ to\ xrw=ma.
See generally LSJ s.v. korw/nh (a feminine noun with many senses -- kappa 2105). The present related headword, korwne/ws, occurs (in the accusative case) in Aristophanes: see below.
[1] Here fia/lews is a corruption of fiba/lews, a type of early fig, with which korw/news is compared grammatically in Herodian, De prosodia catholica p. 245 Lentz. For both this and the headword itself see under phi 287.
[2] Mentioned in Aristophanes, Peace 628; an adjective from korw/nh "shearwater", a sea-bird, or "crow".
[3] The gloss is taken from the scholia ad loc., with "raven-coloured" given as koraki/wna.
Keywords: botany; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; zoology
Translated by: Nick Nicholas on 27 January 2009@08:06:00.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (x-ref; more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 27 January 2009@08:30:08.
David Whitehead (another note; tweaking) on 13 March 2013@04:55:13.
David Whitehead on 13 March 2013@04:57:04.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 2 December 2014@01:45:25.


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