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Adler number: kappa,2098
Translated headword: Cornutus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: There were two Roman writers, Titus Livius,[1] whose name spread in greatness and fame, and
Cornutus. I hear that the latter was rich and childless, but not at all worthy. So great was the difference of disciples between these men that very many heard
Cornutus, streaming together to serve and flatter the man and in the hope of an inheritance because of his childlessness; on the other hand Livius’ [disciples] were few, but they benefited both in beauty of soul and in eloquence.[2] And this is how things were. But time, unbuyable and unbribed, and truth, its protector and attendant and guardian, not needing money, and not dreaming of a succession from property, and not conquered by anything else disgraceful and false and knavish and not at all free, brought the one man to light and uncovered him, just like a hidden treasure 'that contained much and good', as
Homer says[3] -- this Livius. But on the man who was rich and thus surrounded by his money they poured down oblivion -- on
Cornutus. And [sc. now] virtually nobody knows him.
Cornutus [was] a philosopher from Leptis;[4] Leptis [is] a city of Libya; he lived in Rome at the time of [sc. the emperor] Nero,[5] by whose orders he was banished along with
Musonius.[6] He wrote many works, both philosophical and rhetorical.
Greek Original:*kornou=tos: du/w suggrafe/e *(rwmai/wn h)/sthn, *ti=tos *li/bios, ou(= diarrei= polu\ kai\ kleino\n o)/noma, kai\ *kornou=tos. plou/sion me\n ou)=n a)kou/w kai\ a)/paida tou=ton, spoudai=on de\ ou)de\n o)/nta. tosau/th de\ h)=n h( diaforo/ths e)s tou/sde tou\s a)/ndras tw=n a)krowme/nwn, w(s tou= me\n *kornou/tou pamplei/stous a)kou/ein, qerapei/a| te kai\ kolakei/a| tou= a)ndro\s surre/ontas kai\ dia\ th\n a)paidi/an e)lpi/di klhronomi/as: tou= ge mh\n *libi/ou o)li/gous, a)lla\ w(=n ti o)/felos h)=n kai\ e)n ka/llei yuxh=s kai\ e)n eu)glwtti/a|. kai\ tau=ta me\n e)pra/tteto. o( xro/nos de\ o( a)/prato/s te kai\ a)de/kastos kai\ h( tou/tou fu/lac kai\ o)pado\s kai\ e)/foros a)lh/qeia, mh/te xrhma/twn deo/menoi, mhde\ mh\n o)neiropolou=ntes e)k klh/rou diadoxh/n, mh/t' a)/llw| tw| ai)sxrw=| kai\ kibdh/lw| te kai\ kaph/lw| kai\ h(/kista e)leuqe/rw| a(lisko/menoi, to\n me\n a)ne/fhnan kai\ e)ceka/luyan, w(/sper kekrumme/non qhsauro\n kai\ kexando/ta polla\ kai\ e)sqla/, to\ tou= *(omh/rou, tou=ton to\n *li/bion: tou= de\ plousi/ou kai\ me/ntoi kai\ perirreome/nou toi=s xrh/masi lh/qhn katexe/anto tou= *kornou/tou. kai\ i)/sasin h)/ tis h)\ ou)dei\s au)to/n. ou(=tos o( *kornou=tos *lepti/ths filo/sofos: *lepti\s de\ po/lis *libu/hs: gegonw\s e)n *(rw/mh| e)pi\ *ne/rwnos kai\ pro\s au)tou= a)naireqei\s su\n tw=| *mouswni/w|. e)/graye polla\ filo/sofa/ te kai\ r(htorika/.
Lucius Annaeus
Cornutus, a Stoic philosopher. See OCD(4) 'Annaeus
Cornutus, Lucius' (by Leofranc Holford-Strevens), and Wikipedia article at web address 1. See also
Cassius Dio 62.29;
Stephanus of
Ethnica s.v.
Etymologicum Magnum s.v.
*Zeu/s and
omega 182.
The first and principal paragraph of the present entry is
Aelian fr. 86 Domingo-Forasté (83 Hercher).
[1] Titus Livius (Livy) 59 BCE-17 CE, author of
Ab urbe condita; see page, with biographical information and links to the text, at web address 2.
[2] Repeated at
omicron 995.
Odyssey 4.96 (web address 3).
[4] Leptis (or Lepcis) Magna in Libya (Barrington Atlas map 35 grid G2). A comprehensive related website by Dr. Hafed Walda is at web address 4.
[5] See
nu 254, and Herbert Benario's
DIR entry at web address 5.
[6] The Stoic philosopher Gaius
Musonius Rufus; see
mu 1305 and the notes there.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3,
Web address 4,
Web address 5
Keywords: biography; children; chronology; economics; epic; ethics; geography; historiography; history; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: Ioannis Doukas on 30 December 2008@21:13:57.
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