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Search results for kappa,2078 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,2078
Translated headword: maiden
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] a virgin. [The term comes] from the [verb] korw= ["I sweep out"],[1] [meaning] I cleanse. Also ko/rh, the pupil of the eye; through which the fluid is emitted so as to perceive visible things. But ko/rh could also be a name for the aperture in the choroid membrane, through which the clear-sighted spirit is passed, which is xo/rh or ko/rh. So ko/rh is the aperture in the choroid and the optic influence passing through the nerve; the covering on this [is] the cornea. Then whenever this thickens or from some scars from wounds hardening in it, it happens that one cannot see; as when the eardrum is injured one cannot hear.[2]
Hades who ruled the Molossians at the time of the judges of the Jews, had a daughter who was called Kore; for the Molossians called their good-looking women "maidens". Peirithous loved her and wished to carry her off by night. Knowing this her father Hades tied up before the door the dog he had, which because of its size he called Tri-Cerberos, and when Peirithous came it killed him according to the plan; then it also killed the maiden coming out to his aid. About her they say that Pluto ravished her.[3]
There are also the terms ko/rh and ko/ros,[4] the youngest, from the [verb] korw=, [meaning] I am supervising; for the younger ones need a lot of supervision. And of the eye likewise. And[4] the temple custodian [newko/ros] is not the one sweeping clean the temple, but the one having supervision of it.
Greek Original:*ko/rh: h( parqe/nos. para\ to\ korw=, to\ kaqai/rw. kai\ ko/rh, h( tou= o)fqalmou=: di' h(=s to\ u(gro\n probe/blhtai w(/ste di' au)tou= a)ntilamba/nesqai tw=n o(ratw=n. ko/rh d' a)\n le/goito kai\ to\ trh=ma to\ e)n tw=| r(agoeidei= xitw=ni, para\ to\ di' au)th=s xei=sqai to\ dioratiko\n pneu=ma, xo/rh tis ou)=sa, kai\ ko/rh. ko/rh ou)=n to\ trh=ma tou= r(agoeidou=s kai\ to\ dia\ tou= neu/rou proi+o\n o)ptiko\n pneu=ma: to\ de\ e)pi\ tau/th| de/rma keratoeidh\s xitw/n. o(/tan ou)=n paxunqh=| ou(=tos h)\ a)po\ ou)lw=n tinw=n e)k trauma/twn e)nskirwqeisw=n e)n au)tw=|, sumbai/nei to\ mh\ o(ra=n: ou(/tw kai\ h( mh/nigc paqou=sa to\ mh\ a)kou/ein. o(/ti e)pi\ tw=n kritw=n tw=n *)ioudai/wn e)basi/leuse *molossw=n *(/a|dhs, o(\s e)/sxe qugate/ra, h(\n e)ka/lese *ko/rhn: ta\s ga\r eu)prepei=s gunai=kas oi( *molossoi\ ko/ras e)ka/loun. tau/thn e)fi/lhsen o( *peiri/qous kai\ e)boulh/qh nukto\s a(rpa/sai. gnou\s de\ tou=to o( path\r au)th=s *(/a|dhs e)/dhsen o(\n ei)=xe pro\ th=s qu/ras ku/na, o(\n e)ka/lei dia\ to\ me/geqos *trike/rberon, kai\ e)lqo/nta kata\ su/ntacin to\n *peiri/qoun diexrh/sato: e)celqou/shs de\ th=s ko/rhs pro\s boh/qeian kai\ au)th\n diexrh/sato. peri\ h(=s fasin, o(/ti o( *plou/twn au)th\n h(/rpase. le/getai de\ *ko/rh kai\ *ko/ros, o( new/tatos, a)po\ tou= korw= to\ e)pimelou=mai: pollh=s ga\r e)pimelei/as de/ontai oi( new/teroi. kai\ e)pi\ tou= o)fqalmou= o(moi/ws. newko/ros de\ ou)x o( sarw=n to\n new/n, a)ll' o( e)pimelou/menos au)tou=.
Similar material, variously, in other lexica and grammars.
[1] cf.
kappa 2076.
[2] Largely from John
Commentary on Aristotle's de anima 366.10-13 and 368.2-7 Hayduck.
[3] Similar material in late historiography, e.g. Malalas.
[4] Cross-referenced at
kappa 2101.
[5] For this material cf.
nu 228.
Keywords: chronology; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; medicine; mythology; philosophy; science and technology; women; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 16 February 2000@17:41:23.
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