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Search results for kappa,2036 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,2036
Translated headword: dust
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "He gave to each man a wineskin to carry which he had filled with dust, as full as possible; and during the conflict they would prick the wineskins full of soot with daggers."[1]
Greek Original:*koniorto/s. a)skou\s plei/stous e)s o(/ti ma/lista plhrw/sas koniortou= fe/rein e)/dwken e(ka/stw| a)ndri/: kai\ kata\ th\n sumplokh\n tou\s a)skou\s th=s ai)qa/lhs nu/ttein maxairidi/ois.
Keywords: biography; food; historiography; history; military affairs; science and technology
Translated by: Nick Nicholas on 24 January 2009@08:34:50.
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