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Search results for kappa,2034 in Adler number:
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Headword: *ko/nion
Adler number: kappa,2034
Translated headword: hemlock
Vetting Status: high
A poisonous plant. [It can be spelled] with omicron[1] for metrical reasons. "For you simply received hemlock at the hands of the Athenians, but it was they who drank it down, through your mouth".[2]
Greek Original:
*ko/nion: bota/nh dhlhth/rios. dia\ tou= o mikrou= dia\ to\ me/tron tou= sti/xou. pro\s ga\r *)aqhnai/wn ko/nion me\n a(plw=s su\ e)de/cw: au)toi\ d' e)ce/pion tou=to tew=| sto/mati.
[1] Rather than the correct omega, for which cf. kappa 2275.
[2] From Diogenes Laertius' short poem (2.46 = Greek Anthology 9.96) about Socrates (sigma 829).
Keywords: biography; botany; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; imagery; law; meter and music; philosophy; poetry
Translated by: David Whitehead on 20 November 2006@04:01:12.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (added keyword, set status) on 21 November 2006@19:52:04.
David Whitehead (another x-ref) on 22 November 2006@03:06:23.
David Whitehead on 11 March 2013@07:04:13.


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