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Adler number: kappa,203
Translated headword: Kalanos, Calanus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: An Indian, from the [sc.caste of the] Brahmans.[1] That is what the Indians call every sage. It was for this man that Alexander the Macedonian, when Kalanos died after Alexander had appeared in India, provided a funeral contest, and arranged a competition between drinkers of neat wine, because of the love of wine amongst Indians. This man gave Alexander an apt reply to his every question.
Greek Original:*ka/lanos, *)indo/s, e)k tw=n *braxma/nwn. ou(/tw de\ pa/nta sofo\n oi( *)indoi\ prosagoreu/ousin. e)pi\ tou/tw| de\ *)ale/candros o( *makedw/n, e)peidh\ e)teleu/thse paro/ntos au)tou= e)n *)indi/a|, e)pita/fion a)gw=na suntele/sas, kai\ a)kratopo/tas a(millhqh=nai pareskeu/ase dia\ th\n par' *)indoi=s filoini/an. ou(=tos a)po/krisin e)/dwken *)aleca/ndrw| pro\s pa=san e)rw/thsin eu)/stoxon.
Alexander the Great encountered Kalanos (= Berve,
Das Alexanderreich auf prosopographische Grundlage no.396) in the Punjab in 327 BCE, and the sage was part of the Macedonian entourage between then and his death (by suicide) in Persis three years later. The principal sources on him are Arrian,
Diodorus, and
Strabo. For this wine-drinking competition, which is said to have resulted in 41 fatalities, see
Chares FGrH 125 F19;
Deipnosophists 10.437A-B [10.49 Kaibel];
Alexander 70.1.
[1] On the Brahmans see generally
beta 524.
A.B. Bosworth, Conquest and Empire: the reign of Alexander the Great (Cambridge 1988) 126, 155
Keywords: biography; ethics; food; geography; historiography; history; philosophy
Translated by: David Whitehead on 16 July 2001@04:36:19.
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