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Search results for kappa,1997 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,1997
Translated headword: gum
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Gum [sc. is the term for] both frankincense and dried milky tears.
Greek Original:*ko/mmi: ko/mmi kai\ o( libanwto/s, kai\ to\ e)chramme/non o)pw=des da/kruon.
Cited more extensively in
pi 928,
Platonic Lexicon, and
Pausanias the Atticist s.v.
pe/lanoi, and attributed to
Dionysius Thrax fr.51 Linke. Tree sap is frequently termed "tears", starting with
Herodotus 2.96: "its sap is gum".
The headword itself,
ko/mmi, is a non-Greek word, perhaps Egyptian (LSJ s.v.).
Keywords: botany; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; imagery; medicine; philosophy
Translated by: Nick Nicholas on 19 January 2009@09:03:52.
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