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Search results for kappa,1948 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,1948
Translated headword: clamorous, uproarious, tumultuous
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Also [sc. attested is the related noun] kolosurto/s, [meaning] clamor/tumult/uproar.[1]
[sc. What is created] while the dust is greatly being raised up and coming into the air; for the hollow [koilon] participates in convexity and prominence. Better [interpretation:] the dust-cloud dragged along by hornless goats [koloi].[2]
Greek Original:*kolosu/rths. kai\ *kolosurto/s, qo/rubos. mega/lws ai)rome/nhs th=s ko/news kai\ ei)s h)e/ra i(knoume/nhs: to\ ga\r koi=lon kurtw/sews kai\ u(peroxh=s mete/xei. be/ltion o( u(po\ tw=n ko/lwn suro/menos koniorto/s.
The unglossed headword, ignored in LSJ, occurs only here.
[1] Epic/poetic word; see LSJ s.v.
[2] These attempted etymologies of kolosurto/s are paralleled in other lexica and grammars.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; poetry; science and technology; zoology
Translated by: Richard Rodriguez on 20 January 2009@03:10:17.
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