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Search results for kappa,1924 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,1924
Translated headword: cakes, rolls
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Those loaves of bread that are similar in form to the pegs of the kithara. But some [say they are] a kind of four-cornered flatcake or small loaf; from change being made [kollubi/zesqai] from large [coins].[1]
For ko/llaboi are the tuning-pegs of the strings.[2]
Greek Original:*kolla/bous: tou\s a)/rtous tou\s e)oiko/tas th\n pla/sin toi=s kolla/bois th=s kiqa/ras. oi( de\ ei)=dos plakou=ntos tetragw/nou h)\ a)/rtou mikrou=: para\ to\ e)k mega/lwn kollubi/zesqai. *ko/llaboi ga\r ta\ tw=n xordw=n e)pito/nia.
The headword, quoted from
Aristophanes (see next note), is accusative plural of
kappa 1923.
For the kithara, see
kappa 1590.
[1] From a scholion on
Frogs 507 (web address 1).
[2] Likewise in
Platonic Lexicon; also a scholion on
Republic 531B (web address 2; cf.
kappa 1957). See also a scholion on Lucian (61.2 Rabe).
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; imagery; meter and music; philosophy; science and technology; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 29 December 2008@23:26:33.
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