*kodri/ths a)/rtos.
Adler reasonably connects this entry with
Deipnosophists 3.114D-E (3.81 Kaibel): "Philemon in book 1 of
Sacrifices of All Kinds says that ...
blwmiai=oi is the name for loaves which have incisions, the ones Romans call
ko/dratoi [
quadrati]". The Loeb editor of
Athenaeus, C.B. Gulick, translates
kodratoi as "squares"; perhaps rather "quarters", i.e. quarter-circles, like the Irish farl, baked as a round; cf. also the hot-cross bun. Be that as it may, the possibility should be considered that the adjective in the present headword,
kodri/ths, is a corruption of a quite different one,
xondri/ths, i.e. made from coarsegrain flour (see LSJ s.v.).
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