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Search results for kappa,1869 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,1869
Translated headword: I might be scratched; scrapings
Vetting Status: high
Translation: and itchiness, and itching: [sc. all these words come] out of the [verb] knh/qw ["I scratch"].
Greek Original:*knhsqei/hn, *knh=sma kai\ *knhsmonh\ kai\ *knhsmo/s: e)k tou= knh/qw.
Similar entries in the
Ambrosian and
Laurentian lexica, as well as in ps.-Herodian (68 and 180).
*knh/qw is a late form of
kna/w (
kappa 1851), and the aorist passive
knhsqei/hn (evidently quoted from somewhere) apparently belongs to
kna/w rather than
knh/qw anyway. The nouns are to be derived from the older verb.
Keyword: dialects, grammar, and etymology
Translated by: Nick Nicholas on 16 December 2008@10:16:32.
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