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Search results for kappa,1864 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,1864
Translated headword: wisp
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] a cloudy belt, a small cloud. "Nor did a wisp peek through anywhere; the sky was spread out."[1]
Greek Original:*knhki/s: h( nefelw/dhs zw/nh, to\ mikro\n ne/fos. ou)de/ poqi knhki\s u(pefai/neto, pe/ptato d' ai)qh/r.
Derived from
knh=kos, "safflower".
Hesychius kappa3102 glosses it as "safflower-like situation of the air; thin pelt, and thin wisp of cloud; a black spot [on the skin], and deer". See also, more generally, under
Hesychius kappa3103.
Hecale fr. 238 Pfeiffer.
Keywords: botany; daily life; definition; imagery; poetry
Translated by: Nick Nicholas on 16 December 2008@09:34:59.
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