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Search results for kappa,1863 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,1863
Translated headword: tawny one
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the wolf.[1]
Babrius in the
Fables [writes]: "But [the donkey,] released from pains and all discomfort, kicked the tawny one in the mouth and escaped."[2] That is, the wolf.
Greek Original:*knhki/as: o( lu/kos. *ba/brios e)n toi=s muqikoi=s: o( d' e)kluqei\s po/nwn te ka)ni/hs pa/shs, to\n knhki/an xa/skwnta lakti/sas feu/gei. toute/sti to\n lu/kon.
[1] See LSJ entry at web address 1. The headword
knhki/as is attested only in
Babrius (next note), but cf.
Pausanias 6.10.7 for its Doric-dialect counterpart Knakias (one of a victorious chariot-team of horses commemorated in a statue that P. saw at
Babrius 122.11-12; cf.
Babrius 113.2
knhko\n . . . lu/kon.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: art history; athletics; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; imagery; poetry; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 21 January 2001@22:54:31.
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