*klisi/a: h( skhnh/. lamba/netai de\ kai\ e)pi\ kli/nhs. le/comai e)n muxa/tw|: klisi/h de/ moi/ e)stin e(toi/mh.
[1] Likewise or similarly in other lexica (including Apollonius'
Homeric Lexicon) and
scholia; see the references at
Photius kappa792 Theodoridis.
[2] Literally, "place for lying down". Similar meaning appealed to in
kappa 1812. Both glosses as given in
Hesychius ("tent; bed") and the
Etymologicum Magnum ("tent and throne"); other lexica give the sense "tent" (see n. 1). LSJ distinguishes between sense I "hut, shed, booth" (including "cot, cabin") and II "anything for lying or sitting upon, couch or easy chair". Both senses are Homeric.
Hecale fr. 256 Pfeiffer.
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