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Search results for kappa,1802 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,1802
Translated headword: bends
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Dinarchus [writes]: "so whenever [speaking for the defence] he would bend and divert the laws.."[1] Meaning twists and turns [them]. But perhaps one should write "he squeezes", meaning he oppresses and violates.[2]
Greek Original:*klima/zei: *dei/narxos: o(/tan ou)=n klima/zh| kai\ para/gh| tou\s no/mous. a)nti\ tou= parakli/nei kai\ tre/pei. mh/pote dei= gra/fein blima/zei: a)nti\ tou= qli/bei kai\ bia/zetai.
Dinarchus fr. IX.3 Conomis; cf.
kappa 1804. The participle "speaking for the defence" is included in Harpokration s.v., from which the present entry derives. Harpok. also manages, unlike the Suda, to cast the headword in the subjunctive (as is clearly correct), not the indicative.
[2] The point being made (already in
Photius) is that the purported verb
klima/zein should perhaps be
blima/zein: cf.
beta 341.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; imagery; law; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 1 December 2000@09:37:27.
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