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Search results for kappa,1796 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,1796
Translated headword: summons-witnesses
Vetting Status: high
Translation: and to be a summons-witness. Summons-witnesses [are] the men through whom those involved in litigation with anybody are summoned to the cases; for it was necessary that certain people appear as witnesses of the summons.[1] To-be-a-summons-witness is to become a summons-witness[2], as
Isaeus [shows].[3] And [the middle voice]
klhteu/esqai and
e)piklhteu/esqai are applied to witnesses, whenever people disregard the testimony in the jurycourt; and there is a fine of a thousand drachmas on them, as
Isaeus [shows] in the [speech]
For Python on a charge of having neglected his patron.[4]
Greek Original:*klhth=res kai\ *klhteu/ein: klhth=res, oi( a)/ndres, di' w(=n ei)s ta\s di/kas prokalou=ntai oi( dikazo/menoi/ tisin: e)/dei ga\r parei=nai/ tinas w(/sper ma/rturas th=s proklh/sews. klhteu=sai de/ e)sti to\ klhth=ra gene/sqai, w(s *)isai=os. le/getai de\ klhteu/esqai kai\ e)kklhteu/esqai e)pi\ tw=n martu/rwn, o(/tan mh\ u(pakou/swsi pro\s th\n marturi/an e)n tw=| dikasthri/w|: kai\ e)/stin e)piti/mion kat' au)tw=n draxmai\ xi/liai, w(s *)isai=os e)n tw=| u(pe\r *pu/qwnos a)postasi/ou.
An abridged version of Harpokration s.v., where at one point the punctuation makes better sense than it does here ("...witnesses. Whenever people disregard the testimony in the jurycourt, there is..."). See also
kappa 1792,
kappa 1794,
kappa 1795.
[1] For this Harpok. cites
Isaeus fr. 108 Sauppe.
[2] That is, the verb
klhteu/ein is cognate with the noun
Isaeus fr. 88 Sauppe.
Isaeus fr. 119 Sauppe.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; law; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 1 December 2000@09:27:08.
Vetted by:Catharine Roth (cosmetics, status) on 17 October 2003@01:27:50.
David Whitehead (internal rearrangement; augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 17 October 2003@03:43:35.
Catharine Roth (added cross-references) on 3 December 2008@01:24:45.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 11 July 2011@08:04:38.
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