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Search results for kappa,1795 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,1795
Translated headword: summoners, witnesses to summons
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] witnesses.[1]
"Summoner" is the name for the person who calls everyone into court. The word also means a witness.[2]
Aristophanes in
Birds [writes]: "I am an islander summoner." That is, someone who libels people dwelling on islands, and brings them into court.[3] Also: "and to a summoner who has escaped into chaff".[4]
Greek Original:*klhth=res: ma/rtures. *klhth\r le/getai o( kalw=n ei)s to\ dikasth/rion pa/ntas. shmai/nei de\ h( le/cis kai\ to\n ma/rtura. *)aristofa/nhs *)/ornisi: klhth/r ei)mi nhsiwtiko/s. toute/stin o( tou\s ta\s nh/sous oi)kou=ntas sukofantw=n kai\ ei)s dikasth/rion a)/gwn. kai\ au)=qis: klhth=ri/ t' ei)s a)/xuron a)podedrako/ti.
[1] Gloss routinely used for
klhth=res, from
Timaeus (
Platonic Lexicon s.v.
lh/ceis) and
Hesychius onwards.
[2] Properly (LSJ s.v.) "witness who gave evidence that the legal summons had been served".
[3] The entire paragraph to this point is adapted from the
scholia to
Birds 1422, which is the passage quoted (see web address 1).
Wasps 1310, continuing a pun from
Wasps 189, in which Philocleon is called "just like the foal of a... summoner" (instead of a donkey), and identifies himself as "Son of Apodrasippides" (Son Of Escaped Horse). See web address 2.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: comedy; definition; ethics; geography; imagery; law
Translated by: Nick Nicholas on 2 December 2008@19:07:27.
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