[Meaning] licentious touching of the female genitalia.
*kleitoria/zein: to\ a)kola/stws a(/ptesqai tou= gunaikei/ou ai)doi/ou.
Same entry in
Photius; similar ones in other lexica; see the references at
Photius kappa763 Theodoridis.
cf. generally
mu 1462.
The word
kleitori/s and its cognates are post-classical. In the C5 BCE Stesimbrotos of
Thasos claimed that twin sons of Kimon had been born
e)k gunaiko\s...*kleitori/as (FGrH 372 F37, in
Kimon 16.1); that is, ostensibly, "from a woman of Kleitor [in northern Arkadia]". Scholars have debated back and forth the question of whether -- as suggested by A.E. Raubitschek -- an obscene pun was intended. See e.g. J.K. Davies,
Athenian Propertied Families 600-300 BC (Oxford 1971) 304; A. Blamire,
Plutarch: Life of Kimon (London 1989) 163; R.D. Cromey,
American Journal of Philology 112 (1991) 87ff.
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