*kleitago/ra, poih/tria *lakwnikh/. me/mnhtai de\ *)aristofa/nhs e)n *danai/+si.
Aristophanes fr. 261 Kock, from a scholiast to
Lysistrata 1237. In fact "Kleitagora" was the name of a well-known skolion (drinking-song), and nothing about its female subject is certain beyond her name. That she was Laconian (as here) or Thessalian (scholion to
Wasps 1245-7) are contextual guesses. See, to this effect:
Aristophanes, Wasps, edited with introduction and commentary by Douglas M. MacDowell (Oxford 1971) 293;
Aristophanes, Lysistrata, edited with introduction and commentary by Jeffrey Henderson (Oxford 1987) 209.
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