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Headword: *kleyu/dra
Adler number: kappa,1743
Translated headword: klepsydra, water-clock
Vetting Status: high
An astrological instrument, in which the hours are measured.[1]
Also a name of a courtesan.[2]
Also 'klepsydra' [is the name of an Athenian] lawcourt. Also a vessel, containing a very small opening near the base, which is placed in the courtroom when full of water; the orators used to time their speeches by it.[3]
klepsydroun: the court.[4]
Greek Original:
*kleyu/dra: o)/rganon a)strologiko/n, e)n w(=| ai( w(=rai metrou=ntai. kai\ o)/noma e(tai/ras. kai\ dikasth/rion h( kleyu/dra. kai\ a)ggei=on, e)/xon mikrota/thn o)ph\n peri\ to\n puqme/na, o(/per e)n tw=| dikasthri/w| mesto\n u(/datos e)ti/qeto, pro\s o(\ e)/legon oi( r(h/tores. *kleyudrou=n, to\ dikasth/rion.
See also epsilon 1742.
[1] Likewise in Photius kappa772, where Theodoridis (following Dindorf) favours the adjective 'astronomical' which other lexica have.
[2] Said to have earned her nickname by allocating time to her clients with such a clock: Athenaeus, Deipnosophists 13.567C-D [13.21 Kaibel].
[3] From the scholia to Aristophanes, Acharnians 693 (cf. to Wasps 93).
[4] This addendum to the entry is textually corrupt (Bernhardy); but see generally above.
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; gender and sexuality; law; rhetoric; science and technology; trade and manufacture; women
Translated by: D. Graham J. Shipley on 23 November 2007@01:56:41.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 23 November 2007@05:35:35.
David Whitehead (typo (mine)) on 23 November 2007@07:38:29.
Catharine Roth (betacode cosmeticule) on 20 April 2008@14:36:14.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 1 March 2013@05:08:48.
David Whitehead (tweaked tr; expanded n.1) on 3 September 2013@08:38:06.
David Whitehead (expanded a ref) on 16 January 2015@05:29:05.


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