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Search results for kappa,1736 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,1736
Translated headword: Kleonymos, Cleonymus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This man became a deserter.[1]
Aristophanes [writes]: "if anyone is keen to be a taxiarch, let him suffer in battle exactly what Kleonymos does".[2] And [there is] a proverb: 'more cowardly than Kleonymos'.
Aristophanes [writes elsewhere]: "seeing the deserter Kleonymos they became stags".[3] For he was a coward. But [
Aristophanes] spoke of something recent, using the opportunity to shame the culprit; for it is recent lapses that do the greater harm.
Greek Original:*klew/numos: ou(=tos r(i/yaspis e)ge/neto. *)aristofa/nhs: ei)/ tis e)piqumei= taciarxei=n, e)n tai=s ma/xais pa/sxei ge toiau=q', oi(=a/ per *klew/numos. kai\ paroimi/a: *klewnu/mou deilo/teros. *)aristofa/nhs: *klew/numon to\n r(i/yaspin i)dou=sai e)/lafoi e)ge/nonto. deilo\s ga\r h)=n. u(po/guon de\ ei)=pe, tw=| kairw=| xrw/menos ei)s ai)sxu/nhn tou= dedrako/tos: mei/zona ga\r ta\ u(po/gua ptai/smata th\n sumfora\n e)/xei.
[1] Literally: shield-thrower(-away). See generally
rho 189.
Peace 444-6 (here abridged); it has the optative
pa/sxoi for what is transmitted here as the indicative
pa/sxei. See web address 1. For taxiarchs see
tau 92,
tau 93.
[3] An approximation of
Clouds 353-4 (web address 2), with comment from the
scholia there to follow.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; comedy; daily life; ethics; military affairs; proverbs; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 20 July 2001@09:22:05.
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