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Headword: *kleomh/dhs
Adler number: kappa,1724
Translated headword: Kleomedes, Cleomedes
Vetting Status: high
From Astypalaia,[1] he killed Kikkos[2] of Epidauros during their [sc. Olympic] boxing-match and was stripped of his victory. Beside himself with grief, he returned to Astypalaia. But he attacked a school containing 60 children and pulled down the pillar which supported the roof. After the roof had fallen in and killed them all,[3] he was pelted with stones by the citizens and fled into a shrine,[4] where he got into a chest and pulled down the lid. The Astypalaians wore themselves out [sc. trying to open it]. In the end they broke open the woodwork of the chest but found nobody [inside].[5]
Greek Original:
*kleomh/dhs, *)astupalaieu/s, *ki/kkon to\n *)epidau/rion a)pe/kteinen e)n th=| pugmh=| kai\ a)fh|rhme/nos th\n ni/khn e)/kfrwn e)ge/neto u(po\ th=s lu/phs kai\ a)ne/streyen ei)s *)astupa/laian. didaskalei/w| de\ e)pista/s, e)n w(=| pai=des h)=san c#, a)natre/pei to\n ki/ona, o(\s to\n o)/rofon ei)=xen. e)mpeso/ntos de\ tou= o)ro/fou kai\ pa/ntas a)poktei/nantos, kataliqou/menos u(po\ tw=n a)stw=n kate/fugen e)s i(ero\n kai\ e)mba\s e)s kibwto\n kai\ to\ e)pi/qema e)felkusa/menos ka/maton toi=s *)astupalaieu=si parei=xe. te/los ta\ cu/la th=s kibwtou= katarrh/cantes ou)de/na eu(=ron.
Early C5 BCE. Source: Pausanias 6.9.6-7 (web address 1).
[1] An island in the SE Aegean, between Amorgos and Kos.
[2] 'Ikkos' in Pausanias.
[3] In Pausanias their deaths are merely implicit.
[4] Of Athene in Pausanias.
[5] The Suda omits the aetiological climax in Pausanias: the Delphic oracle pronounced this a sign that Kleomedes was no ordinary mortal, and his cult began.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: aetiology; architecture; athletics; biography; children; ethics; geography; religion
Translated by: David Whitehead on 20 July 2001@09:40:56.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (added link, set status) on 14 October 2003@01:15:53.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 14 October 2003@03:21:11.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 16 November 2005@08:19:29.
David Whitehead on 27 February 2013@08:11:52.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation following a suggestion from Brady Kiesling) on 28 December 2016@22:55:52.


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