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Headword: *kleo/boulos
Adler number: kappa,1719
Translated headword: Kleoboulos, Cleobulus
Vetting Status: high
Son of Euagoras, from Lindos,[1] one of the so-called Seven Sages,[2] distinguished among those of his time for strength and beauty, he studied philosophy in Egypt. He had a daughter named Kleobouline who composed riddles in hexameter verse. Kleoboulos wrote songs and riddles in 3,000 verses. Of his songs, the following is most popular: "lack of taste is prevalent among mortals". He also used to say that one should do a good deed for a friend, so as to make him a better friend, but for an enemy, to make him a friend. [He also said:] "when doing well, do not be over-proud, [and] when in need, do not be too humble. Know how to bear the changes of fortune nobly".[3] He ended his life as an old man of 70 years. He said: "measure [is] the best of all things". And he sent a message to Solon[4] as follows:[5] "many men are [your] companions and [you have] a home anywhere; but I say that Lindos is the most noble place for Solon. It is a democracy and the island lies on the open sea".
Greek Original:
*kleo/boulos, *eu)ago/rou, *li/ndios, ei(=s tw=n e(pta\ o)nomazome/nwn sofw=n, r(w/mh| kai\ ka/llei diafe/rwn tw=n kat' au)to/n, mete/sxe te th=s e)n *ai)gu/ptw| filosofi/as. e)ge/neto de\ au)tw=| quga/thr *kleobouli/nh, e(came/trwn ai)nigma/twn poih/tria. ou(=tos e)/grayen a)/|smata kai\ gri/fous ei)s e)/ph trisxi/lia. tw=n de\ a)|dome/nwn au)tou= eu)doki/mhse ta/de: a)mousi/a to\ ple/on me/ros e)n brotoi=sin. e)/lege/ te, to\n fi/lon dei=n eu)ergetei=n, o(/pws ma=llon h)=| fi/los: to\n de\ e)xqro\n fi/lon poiei=n. eu)tuxw=n mh\ e)/so u(perh/fanos, a)porh/sas mh\ tapeinou=. ta\s metabola\s th=s tu/xhs gennai/ws e)pi/staso fe/rein. e)teleu/thse de\ ghraio\s e)/th biou\s o#. a)pefh/nato: pa/ntwn me/tron a)/riston. kai\ *so/lwni e)pe/steilen ou(/tw: polloi\ me/n tine/s ei)sin e(tai=roi, kai\ oi)=kos pa/nth: fami\ d' e)gw\ potniwta/tan e)/sesqai *so/lwni ta\n *li/ndon. damokratei=n me\n ou)=n, kai\ a( na=sos pelagi/a.
See in full Diogenes Laertius 1.89-93, on both Kleoboulos (floruit c. 600 BCE) and his daughter Kleobouline (kappa 1718).
[1] On the island of Rhodes.
[2] See generally OCD(4) s.v.
[3] Tosi [see under alpha 378] no.107.
[4] See sigma 776.
[5] In the Doric dialect of Lindos.
See also the proverbs of the Seven Sages in Diels and Kranz, Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker vol.1
Keywords: biography; constitution; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; meter and music; philosophy; poetry; politics; proverbs; women
Translated by: Susan Shapiro on 9 July 1999@16:02:03.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 27 May 2001@07:52:49.
David Whitehead (another note) on 14 August 2012@08:48:47.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaking) on 27 February 2013@08:04:34.
David Whitehead on 4 August 2014@06:56:53.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 2 September 2019@02:42:30.


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