*ki/rris: o)/noma potamou=, kai\ o)/noma ku/rion, kai\ i)xqu\s poio/s.
[1] Not otherwise attested as such, and not readily identifiable. However, Adler reports that one ms (F) has 'of a place' rather than 'of a river', and anyway according to
Ptolemy 6.12.4 there was a tribe called the Kirradaieis living along the Oxus, with a (perhaps related) people of the Himalayas whose name was variously rendered: Chirotosagi, Kirradai, Cirrabe-Indi, Kirradia, Korouda, Piladai, Sciratae, Thalutae. (See Barrington Atlas map 6 grid F4.)
[2] A Cypriot epithet of Adonis (
alpha 514,
alpha 515,
alpha 516,
alpha 517) according to
Etymologicum Magnum 515.16-17.
[3] A sea-fish, probably a species of wrasse; see LSJ s.v. (Already, under another spelling, at
kappa 1397.)
No. of records found: 1
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