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Search results for kappa,1632 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,1632
Translated headword: is in danger, is at risk
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Meaning [he/she/it] is approaching.[1]
Or "to be in danger", [meaning] to participate in war.[2] "But they should consider it impossible to be in danger, with the attack being against the opponents."[3]
"Without [him] claiming that the common good could be at risk through a noble man's soul."[4]
Greek Original:*kinduneu/ei: a)nti\ tou= e)ggi/zei. h)\ *kinduneu/ein, to\ pole/mou mete/xein. a)ll' e)n a)po/rw| to\ kinduneu/ein e)/xwsin, e)pi\ toi=s e)nanti/ois ou)/shs th=s e)pixeirh/sews. ou)k a)ciou=ntos e)n a)ndro\s eu)genou=s yuxh=| kinduneu/ein to\ koino/n.
[1] Definition as in
Platonic Lexicon; also in
Photius kappa734 Theodoridis.
Timaeus may have been glossing an instance like
Apology 28B (
kinduneu/eis nuni\ a)poqanei=n "you are now in danger of dying" as "you are getting close to dying"); see also e.g.
Theaetetus 196D,
Phaedrus 262C.
[2] LSJ s.v. I.b: "make a venture, take a risk... esp. engage in war". (This does not appear to be paralleled in other lexica.)
Eunapius fr.1.242 Dindorf, cited in Constantine Porphyrogenitus,
De sententiis p. 86 Boissevain; referring to the campaigns of Valens in Thrace. "But that it is opportune to destroy such camps, drawing out the war and blocking opportunities for those seeking advantage; so that when the many happen to fight against them out of necessity, they should not be put at risk by bad luck; rather they should consider it impossible to be in danger, with the attack being against the opponent".
[4] Quotation unidentifiable.
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; historiography; military affairs; philosophy
Translated by: Nick Nicholas on 23 November 2008@05:05:05.
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