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Search results for kappa,1581 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,1581
Translated headword: gatekeepers
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [sc. So named] from the kinklis ["latticed gate"].[1]
"Those in whose care the archives[2] had been placed, and [concern] over other orderly behaviour; and [ensuring] that not everyone who wanted to could gain access pell-mell."[3]
Greek Original:*kigklida/rioi: a)po\ th=s kigkli/dos. oi(=s dh\ ta\ a)rxei=a e)pefro/ntisto, th=s te a)/llhs eu)kosmi/as pe/ri, kai\ o(/pws mh\ xu/dhn a(/pasi toi=s boulome/nois ei)sithte/a ei)/h.
The headword occurs only here. Its -
a/rios suffix indicates it is patterned after Latin terms, such as
kagkella/rios "chancellor" -- which originates in the same metonymy:
cancellarius >
cancelli "lattices, crossbars, which surrounded the seat of judgment". The word
kagkella/rios is attested in Greek (Lampe s.v.), and
kigkli/s (LSJ s.v.), being specific to courts and assemblyhouses, has the same associations:
kigklida/rios may be a partial calque.
kappa 1582,
kappa 1583.
[2] Generally, town halls, boards of magistrates; here evidently, important records and paperwork, literally the archives associated with the military campaign; cf. LSJ s.v.
a)rxei=on (web address 1).
Histories 1.19 (on Narses [
nu 42] at
Ravenna); glossing not the present headword but a more general category of officials. On the entourage with which Narses retired to
Ravenna (
rho 4) in the winter of 553 CE, see also
omicroniota 79.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; historiography; history
Translated by: Nick Nicholas on 20 November 2008@05:22:07.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 20 November 2008@05:54:32.
David Whitehead (tweaked tr, at the translator's suggestion; my typo) on 20 November 2008@07:35:32.
David Whitehead on 24 February 2013@05:27:17.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 11 July 2015@14:48:15.
Ronald Allen (augmented n.3, added cross-references) on 9 November 2023@11:27:21.
Ronald Allen (tweaked translation after discussion with Managing Editor Catharine Roth; expanded n.2, added link) on 9 November 2023@21:25:50.
Catharine Roth (typo) on 9 November 2023@23:09:59.
Ronald Allen (my typo n.3 cross-reference) on 11 November 2023@13:04:12.
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