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Headword: *ki/bdhlon
Adler number: kappa,1575
Translated headword: counterfeit, adulterated
Vetting Status: high
This is what they used to call a coin that is base or invalid, and forged. In the eleventh [book] of Laws [sc. Plato writes]: "let the slave take away for himself the counterfeit article."[1]
And the Pisidian [writes]: "at any rate, the one workman of two things is counterfeit, as the saying goes".[2]
Something is 'counterfeit' when it has a surface that seems elegant, but is badly off in its manner.[3]
[Derived] from "covering the obvious" (keuthein to dêlon), or from "Chian" and "abominable" [bdelukton); [taken] from history.[4]
"Croesus, not budging from the counterfeit reports about him, and cherishing and sheltering and protecting his ancestral kingdom."[5] "So slaves are a counterfeit evil, as became apparent in Cleopatra."[6]
Greek Original:
*ki/bdhlon: ou(/tws e)ka/loun to\ no/qon h)\ a)do/kimon no/misma, kai\ parakope/n. *no/mwn e(ndeka/tw|: o( me\n dou=los fere/sqw to\ kibdhleuqe/n. kai\ *pisi/dhs: pragma/twn pa/ntws du/o ki/bdhlo/s e)stin e)rga/ths ei(=s, w(s lo/gos. *ki/bdhlon me/n e)stin o(/tan e)/xh| e)pifa/neian w(s a)stei=on, h)=| de\ moxqhro\n tw=| tro/pw|. para\ to\ keu/qein to\ dh=lon, h)\ para\ to\ *xi=os kai\ to\ bdelukto/n: a)po\ i(stori/as. o( *kroi=sos kibdh/lois tai=s e)f' e(autou= a)koai=s me/nwn kai\ th\n basilei/an th\n patrw/|an qa/lpwn te kai\ periske/pwn kai\ periste/llwn. ki/bdhlon de\ a)/ra kako\n dou=loi w(s ei)si/n, e)n th=| *kleopa/tra| a)nefa/nh.
cf. generally kappa 1573, kappa 1574.
[1] Plato, Laws 917D.
[2] George of Pisidia, Heraclias III fr.7.
[3] The gloss to this point also occurs in Photius (Lexicon kappa693 Theodoridis) and the scholia to Lucian, On How To Write History 59.9, apart from the Suda inserting the quotation from George.
[4] On the derivation of ki/bdhlos from *xi=os see kappa 1573. The phrase a)po\ i(stori/as "[taken] from history" appears in the Etymologicum Magnum s.v. ki/bdhlon.
[5] Aelian fr. 70h Domingo-Forasté (67 Hercher).
[6] Aelian fr. 61 Domingo-Forasté (58 Hercher).
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; geography; imagery; philosophy; poetry; science and technology; trade and manufacture; women
Translated by: Nick Nicholas on 19 November 2008@06:40:53.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 19 November 2008@06:53:50.
Catharine Roth (updated reference in note 6) on 15 February 2012@01:20:42.
Catharine Roth (updated reference in note 5) on 23 March 2012@01:45:54.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 22 February 2013@10:01:21.
David Whitehead on 1 May 2016@05:15:13.


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