*kh=uc: ei)=dos i(e/rakos. shmai/nei de\ kai\ o)/noma ku/rion.
[1] LSJ considers
kh=uc a variant of
kh/c, which it defines as "a sea-bird, perh. the tern or sea-swallow". The particular form is post-classical, used in ps.-
Apollodorus 1.52,
Ixeuticon 2.18,
Babrius 2.115,
Philostratus the Elder 2.17.11, ps.-Lucian,
Ocypus 113. For
i(e/rac "hawk," see
iota 155.
[2] Two characters in Greek mythology bore this name. (A) King of Thessaly and husband of Halcyone; they were transformed into halcyon birds because of their hybris in calling each other Zeus and Hera. (Mentioned in Hesiod,
Shield 354, 472, 476;
Hecataeus FGrH 1 F30;
Aetia fr.75;
Diodorus Siculus 4.36.5, 4.57.2; and the myth is detailed in ps.-
Apollodorus 1.52.) (B) King of Trachis, who entertained Heracles after his marriage to Deianeira (ps.-
Apollodorus 2.150, 153).
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