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Search results for kappa,1524 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,1524
Translated headword: censor
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Appius Claudius was] named assessor among Romans, [i.e.] a kind of examiner of the civic institutions, giving attention to the moderate and old-fashioned life of each of the citizens.
Greek Original:*kh/nswr: timhth\s para\ *(rwmai/ois o)nomazo/menos, e)cetasth/s tis tw=n politikw=n diaithma/twn pro\s to\ sw=fron kai\ a)rxaio/tropon e(ka/stou tw=n politw=n e)pistre/fwn to\n bi/on.
The headword is a transliteration of the Latin word
censor; cf.
kappa 1522 and esp.
kappa 1523.
The material as a whole reappears more fully at
tau 615, which makes it clear that Appius Claudius is being described; and cf. under
alpha 3199,
lambda 520. It is not identified by Adler but is now accepted as John of
Antioch fr. 101 Roberto.
Keywords: daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; historiography; history; law
Translated by: Ryan Stone on 22 July 2008@11:17:14.
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