*khlhqmo/s: a)pa/th. a)po\ tou= xalw=, xalhqmo\s kai\ troph=| khlhqmo/s. kai\ *kh/lhma o(moi/ws.
Odyssey 11.334 [= 13.2] "they were all hushed in silence, and were held in rapture throughout the shadowy halls". Derived from
khle/w "beguile", whose derivative noun
khle/sths (
kappa 1504) is likewise glossed as "cheat". The noun is correctly glossed in Apollonius'
Homeric Lexicon, "delight"; Herodian,
Schematismi Homerici 113 "enchanting of hearing"; and
Hesychius kappa2498 "delight, joy". No other lexicon offers this interpretation. For that matter, the meaning of the stem is more accurately reflected in
kappa 1506 and
kappa 1514. The interpretation here may be a moralising condemnation of spell-casting.
[2] This corrupts the derivation offered by Herodian,
Schematismi Homerici 113 s.v.
katekh/lhse from *
xalhqumo/s "relaxing the mood", also from
xala/w "relax"; Herodian also derives
khlw= from
xalw=. The derivation of
khlhqmo/s is reproduced accurately in the
Etymologicum Gudianum s.v.
katekh/lhse and the
Etymologicum Magnum s.v.
khlhqmo/s (though as
xalh/qumos). Needless to say,
xalhqumo/s is otherwise unattested.
Ibycus fr.6 Page;
Trojan Women 893; also in
Proclus, Pachymeres, and
scholia on
Pindar and
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