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Search results for kappa,1482 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,1482
Translated headword: Attested-Unattested
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [A nickname for] Ulpian, one of the deipnosophists.[1]
He was so called[2] because of his constant challenges: is there attestation for hora ['season'] applied to the part of the day? And for methusos ['drunk'] applied to a male? And for metra ['womb'] applied to the edible food? Is there attestation for suagros ['wild boar'] applied to the pig? And he had a private rule, to taste nothing before he had asked whether or not it is attested.
Greek Original:*keitou/keitos: *ou)lpiano/s, ei(=s tw=n deipnosofistw=n. e)klh/qh de\ ou(/tws dia\ to\ sunexw=s proba/llein, ei) kei=tai w(/ra e)pi\ tou= th=s h(me/ras mori/ou: kai\ ei) o( me/qusos e)pi\ a)ndro/s: kai\ ei) mh/tra e)pi\ tou= e)dwdi/mou brw/matos: su/agro/s te ei) kei=tai e)pi\ tou= suo/s. kai\ no/mon ei)=xen i)/dion, mhdeno\s a)potrw/gein, pri\n ei)pei=n, kei=tai h)\ ou) kei=tai.
[1] In the
Deipnosophists by
Athenaeus (
alpha 731); cf.
delta 359: Deipnosophists.
[2] Excerpted from
Deipnosophists 1.1D-E (1.2 Kaibel). Ulpian of Tyre (on the prosopography of this character see Baldwin [1976]), characterised as an extreme Atticist, is concerned with whether any given usage is attested (
kei=tai) or unattested (
ou) kei=tai) in classical Attic authors.
B. Baldwin 'Athenaeus and his work' AC 19 (1976) 21-42 = Studies in Greek and Roman History and Literature (Amsterdam 1985) 417-38
Keywords: biography; daily life; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; medicine
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 5 March 2001@23:11:46.
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