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Search results for kappa,146 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,146
Translated headword: badness
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] evil.
Plato [sc. uses this word] this way.[1]
Aelian [writes]: "whoever left his station, the lawgiver condemned him to death, for betraying by cowardice the post in which he was stationed."[2]
Aelian in the
Varied History [writes]: "no house slave is remembered who yielded to cowardice and betrayed his master."[3]
And elsewhere: "with necessity calling, not to yield to cowardice."[4]
Greek Original:*ka/kh: kaki/a. ou(/tws *pla/twn. *ai)liano/s: o(/stis ta/cin e)/leipe, qanatoi= a)/ra o( nomoqe/ths au)to/n, ka/kh| th\n sta/sin, h(\n e)ta/xqh, prodo/nta. *ai)liano\s *poiki/lh| i(stori/a|: ou)dei\s oi)ke/ths mnhmoneu/etai ka/kh| ei)/cas prodou=nai to\n despo/thn. kai\ au)=qis: a)na/gkhs kalou/shs mh\ ei)/kein ka/kh|.
[1] Besides
Lexicon kappa80 Theodoridis, cf.
Platonic Lexicon. See
Phaedrus 247B,
Menexenus 246B, and
Republic 5.468A.
Aelian fr. 155 Domingo-Forasté (152 Hercher). Without a context, it is unclear which lawgiver is meant.
Aelian fr. 8 Domingo-Forasté (8 Hercher).
Aelian fr. 264 Domingo-Forasté (266 Hercher); already at
epsilon 3442.
Keywords: biography; daily life; definition; ethics; law; military affairs; philosophy
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 7 March 2008@19:42:51.
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